DardadineWind Farm
A new wind farm project in Australia
Community Benefits
RES is committed to supporting the communities that host our renewable energy projects. As part of the development of the Dardadine Wind Farm, a community benefit sharing strategy will be established to ensure that benefits from the Project are shared meaningfully in a manner informed by the local community. The strategy, which may incorporate a range of benefit programs, will provide positive and lasting benefits to the local community that extend beyond the life of the project.As part of the development sharing programs, input is sought from interested members of the community to inform and shape how our proposed project could deliver meaningful, targeted benefit.
We would love your ideas and feedback on how community benefits could best help you and your community. Please complete our short online survey here.
Employment Benefits
The project is expected to generate up to 400 direct jobs during construction. In addition, it will employ up to 15 full time staff during the operation and maintenance phase (expected to be 30 years).
Employment benefits from the proposed project are envisioned to extend through the local supply chains to fuel supply, vehicle servicing, uniform suppliers, hotels/motels, B&B's, cafés, pubs, catering and cleaning companies, tradespersons, tools and equipment suppliers and many other businesses.
Environmental Benefits
- Minimal impact on the productivity of traditional farming activities
- Pre-construction land uses can be fully re-established post decommissioning
- Small environmental footprint than comparative forms of generation
- Additional fire breaks and improved access roads for firefight
- Additional energy supplies to help meet the growing energy demand
- The wind farm will generate clean renewable energy to power approximately 700,000 homes per year*
- Additional energy supplies to help meet the growing energy demand
*Average total annual consumption in Western Australia is 5,198 kWh (Source: AEMC)