Dardadine Wind Farm
A new wind farm project in Australia
Project Summary
The Dardadine Wind Farm will fit within the current strategic direction of the WA and Australian energy generation market and assist in achieving the planned transition to an increased contribution of renewable energy to Australia’s energy needs.
The Proposal is for a wind energy facility which will consist of the following components:
- Up to 168 wind turbines (each up to 252m in height), with the associated hardstanding areas and access roads
- Operations and maintenance building with associated car parking
- Electrical substations
- Overhead and underground electrical cable reticulation
- Temporary construction facilities including a construction compound, borrow pit and concrete batching plant facilities
- Containerised battery energy storage system.
The design continues to be shaped by a number of detailed, technical, engineering and environmental studies and assessments including:
- Ecology – Flora and Fauna
- Landscape and Visual
- Noise
- Cultural Heritage
- Bushfire Risk
- Shadow Flicker and Blade Glint
- Electromagnetic Interference Studies including TV & radio reception
- Aviation
- Access and Transport
- Geology and Hydrology
- Socio Economic.